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Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Asian American Pacific Islander Trustees & Administrators Caucus shall be to:​

Promote and advocate to ensure Asian Pacific Islander students opportunity for access, retention, degrees, certificates, and promoting student success

Advocate for disaggregated student and employee data.

Provide networking and educational programs to Asian Pacific Islander trustees and college administrators.

Advocate for the promotion of Asian Pacific Islander administrators, faculty, and staff within the community college system.

AAPITA History

AAPITA Caucus is a coalition of California Asian American Pacific Islander Community College Trustees and Administrators that serve to enhance educational opportunities for AAPI community college students and professional development opportunities for AAPI administrators. We aim to create a community of educators who are dedicated to providing equitable and inclusive education to all students. At AAPITA Caucus, we believe that education is the cornerstone of progress and we strive to create an environment that fosters growth and learning.


Formally launched in 2014, AAPITA strives to promote and advocate to ensure Asian American Pacific Islander students opportunity for access, retention, degrees, certificates, and promoting student success. We are dedicated to advocating for disaggregated student and employee data.


On April 29, 2022 with the update of our By-Laws, our name was formally changed to "Asian American Pacific Islander Trustees and Administrators" (AAPITA).

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